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Broad Bay Sailing AssociatioN

Supporting Our Club and Affiliates

If you want to make a donation to BBSA or one of its affiliate groups, select the group below and enter the amount you'd like to donate. These donations support the activities of the group you select.  Minimum recommended donation is $20. You can of course donate more. When you pay, you will receive an email confirming your donation. 

Businesses and individuals can support BBSA by providing services or venues for meetings.  See our list of supporters at the bottom of this page.  

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*First name
*Last name
*Cell Phone
Please include area code. Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
 BBSA Groups
Select the group you want to support with your donation
*Cash Amount ($USD)
Enter the cash amount here. If you are contributing in-kind only or a mixture of cash and in-kind, add the in-kind in the in-kind value field.
Enter comments or instructions you want to share with BBSA
Thanks for your support.

Our Sponsors, Partners and Supporters

For BBSA throughout the year

For the Leo Wardrup Memorial Cape Charles Cup

"Broad Bay Sailing Association" is a non-profit organization. Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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